Most of last week it was still May so we could be in denial.
And it’s still been stormy, albeit with nice days alternated in. Like last Wednesday when Jasper came and the sky was bright blue.
We also worked out a new yogurt-eating method. The week before he wasn’t interested in anything off a spoon even if he was holding the spoon, and wanted to lick the yogurt off a plate. With a picture of a chicken on it – he likes chickens right now. So I decided just to put the yogurt on a plastic lid and let him lick it off, and that went well.
The next day, last Thursday, I kind of overdid on my knee. I biked to the community center where I volunteer in the food pantry and hefted stuff around, then I biked to the library where I volunteer and hefted boxes of books around. After all that, when I was done at the library my knee was so stiff I had to stand on the curb to get my leg over the bar and get on my bike. My plan was to take some Tylenol and take my other bike, that’s a swing through, to Whole Foods to pick up a few things, but when I got on my other bike, it hurt so I drove.
On the morning of the last Friday in May, George and I had coffee together. Then I drove to the Susan’s house and we went to the gym.
I wanted to go to a friend’s late husband’s memorial Friday evening, so Mark and Pia went to Chicago for the symphony. It was kind of cloudy and grey all day, but got sunny in the evening. Which was nice because, still favoring my knee, I drove over to the east side, but I parked about a 15-minute walk from the memorial. It was a pleasant walk.
After I got back from the gym I made rhubarb scones, take 4. Click the pic for the updated recipe. Later on I made some brownies, my standard recipe, because Mark gave me this Made In baking slab thing for mothers day and I wanted it see how it did for brownies. Pretty well, I think. The metal pan I usually use for brownies can go sproing in the oven, and the slab doesn’t. I hadn’t eaten anything off the buffet at the memorial so I had brownies and ice cream when I got home.
Saturday was really rainy but we went to Cows on the Concourse anyway. We stopped at Collectivo for coffee and to get out of the rain a bit. The wrapper in the back is from the grilled cheese sandwich we shared. Grilled on the big round grill and still only $2.
Saturday afternoon was the food pantry volunteers potluck. I made potato salad. It had almost stopped raining by the time I needed to leave, but I drove anyway, still favoring the knee.
Sunday Mark and I walked and I made probably Mark’s favorite breakfast of the year: smashed new potatoes, toast, scrambled eggs with cheese and tomatoes, and fruit. And of course there were scones. And oh yea, I made sourdough bread Saturday – a big loaf and a focaccia, from a batch of dough I left rising Friday night that really popped. See the overleaf and below for sesame-topped loaf. And also see below for our Sunday morning toast selection – some of the focaccia and the last of the old sourdough and some wheat rolls before we started the new.
Sunday ended with blueberry & strawberry cobbler, a Chez Panisse recipe that people were raving about in the comments on the NYT recipe, because it only uses 1/3 cup sugar in the fruit and like two tablespoons in the biscuits. I actually indulged and used half a cup instead. It was very good.
Monday and Tuesday nights I spent the most time sopping up the basement – Tuesday it was shop-vac-able. In other words, a lot. But I think I’ll save all that for the next post and hope to get to it sooner.