It’s been awhile since I’ve written, and it sorta seems that long, but also it sorta doesn’t, like that carton of yogurt I pulled out of the fridge this morning that I thought was kinda new, only to see it’s actually only 2 days away from the end of that week you get after the sell by date, when it’s still supposed to be OK. And actually I bet you it’ll still be good for at least another week after that.
I usually resist when Mark talks about time flying, especially as we age, but November has definitely gone quickly. It could be because we had some really cold weather, then it got really warm, and now it’s slowly getting cold again. And of course it could be because of impending cookie season, and will I get it all done.
The good thing is that the house painters took advantage of the heat wave and the painting is done. Mostly. They say they’re going to paint the door in spring. It’s an enamel paint that should be applied in warmer weather. The bad thing is I’m going to have to come up with the last big payment to the contractors.
Besides the painters, we’ve had other milestones.
Jasper’s been here two more Wednesdays, the 8th:
And the 15th:
George got neutered, but that hasn’t slowed him down any. In fact, both kittens have gotten even better at sneaking upstairs when the big cat doesn’t close the door behind herself.
And on Saturday night when I was making the jam cookie dough (yes, cookie season is starting in its usual herky-jerky guilt-ridden way) George discovered butter. And both cats can now get up to the kitchen counters. They’re pretty good about staying off after you remove them a few times. On Saturday, I kept taking George off the counter and putting him in their box, and telling him that if he stayed there I’d give him some butter when I was done – and after about the 3rd time, he stayed. So he got my buttery dough scarper to lick when I finished mixing up the cookie dough. I was supposed to bake & stick the jam cookies Sunday night but that didn’t happen … I hope to get them tonight, Monday.
And, Jasper turned one!
- Jasper & me, day 1, 2022
- Jasper 1 yo, 2023
Emma hired the photographer who took their wedding pictures, and Jasper’s newborn pictures, to take some official family photos.
John and Megan are golfing a lot.
And we had the last outdoor market. Actually we’ve already has the first indoor market, and we went and got most of our Thanksgiving ingredients, but I didn’t take any pictures of that.
And I made some winter slaw from the cookbook for a book event with Terese, I guess that was way back on November 7th, early November, where I still am mentally.
I’ve made some good fall-ish food in there, sweet potato soup, and mini pumpkin muffins for Jasper’s birthday, and mac & cheese with bbq chicken and picked onions to put on top, but no pics.
Oh, we did an overnighter in Chicago, a double header with a Thursday afternoon opera and evening symphony, but here’s the only picture, coffee with Muddy on Friday morning.
I’ll close with one last kitten picture, and be back with jam cookie pics, real soon now.