I hope! I feel like this is kind of the danger zone, 5 weeks on crutches, that I hit once before when I started building up my walking and turned out my knee was still broken. I’m still trying NOT to walk farther than a couple of blocks, but last week I started biking again, and I feel a lot better. My thighs are dimply and marshmallow-y but I think maybe my upper arms are a little less floppy since I’ve been doing my little 20-minute suite of non-weight bearing exercises since like February, some of which are upper body using two cans of coconut milk for weights.
Wednesday I go to PT so may get some new exercises, and then the week after that I go to sports med, so maybe I’ll be declared “cured”, and can start building back up. PS, Weds. after PT.
Meanwhile I started this post on Saturday and have been kind of stuck; I’m continuing writing on Tuesday. I mean I started so long ago I just had to temporarily publish this post to see what I used for the featured image, and then UN-publish because it’s not done yet. BTW, the pic is of my favorite trees on campus, that in the spring I always bike past and check where they’re at in blooming. They’re kind of behind the horse barn near some greenhouses. Last year they were captive – fenced off for construction. And this year the part of the bike path that goes beyond them has been removed for construction so I had to figure out another way to get back to Highland Ave. and get home that involved walking/bumping over some curbs and making my knee hurt a bit. But it was worth it to see the trees.
I did write up a few new recipes over the weekend, 100% rhubarb pie, and rhubarb crumble muffins are coming. And I updated Outrageous Rhubarb Cake, to make it ready for inclusion in CSA recipes. I get my first box this week, and will be the main recipe writer (instead of every other week, like the last two years) until August when the other writer comes back. Anyways I figure these should get me through rhubarb season.
Saturday it was cloudy but not rainy and I actually did two bike rides, to the pick up farmers market and the library, probably close to 10 miles, albeit in two rides.

Cloudy Mother’s Day morning, waiting for Susan to come get me – we’ve moved our weekly coffee walks to Sundays, tho we’ve been driving while waiting for my knee to heal.
Sunday was Mother’s Day and kind of rainy, and my math was bad so when Meredith invited me to come over and cut rhubarb in her backyard – she has a big patch and doesn’t like the stuff – I decided to drive, because I thought I hadn’t biked 10 miles yet. Looks like Meredith’s is actually about 10.4, and it was rainy, so I guess I made the right choice for my knee. I swapped some of the chocolate chip sour cream coffee cake for the rhubarb. I made the cake for our former AFS student’s visit on Friday. Our student came over for lunch. She was here the 2022-23 school year as a junior and I guess she and her friends made a pact to go to senior prom together. So she was her from something like Thursday to Monday and came over for lunch Friday. But they had had breakfast at Mickie’s, and didn’t eat much cake.
Saturday night we had pizza that I made while drinking a 19.2 oz. Anti-Hero, a cheap drunk at $2.99 from the corner store.
The plain cheese pieces got topped with salad, although Mark added marinara to one of his.
Waay last Sunday I turned our Victoria sponge with slightly scrambled pastry cream into trifle. Mark put more whipped cream on his than I did.
I made carrot risotto with Gochujang roasted carrots on top. The pics are not great but I think this wil be my first original CSA recipe for this year.

Carrot risotto

Gochujang carrots
And Liz Luca-Mahmood’s sourdough discard crackers.
And I got some Grateful Dead leggings.
And Mother’s Day was a two pie day:

Asparagus custard tart

Rhubarb pie – the aforementioned 100%
And I finished grading
And left my slippers in someone else’s room
And posted my babies for Mothers Day. Not counting foster kids and exchange students, who I never met til they were teenagers.

John at about 10 weeks (I think at my brother’s wedding in Santa Fe); Al about 4 weeks; Jasper less than one day old; John holding his cousin Mimi when she was about 8 weeks and he was 10.
Whew. I think that’s the gist of it. Oh, I had two funny dreams I meant to write about, too – next time.
So the post-PT verdict is still limit walking, still do non-weight bearing exercises – stop doing the two that hurt! – and biking is still OK. Be sure to get a build back walking schedule from sportsmed when I go there next week. And I asked about biking to farmers market & walking all the way around this weekend … the therapist suggested one side ‹grin›.