I felt so shitty when I was writing Friday night. I’d eaten too much and not gotten enough done at work and just generally felt deadlines and fat phobias and stuck-ness and pandemic blues crashing down on me. I was headachey and my stomach hurt and I was cranky and tired. And there was a funky charge – a large one – on one of my credit cards, that I’ve disputed, but that just added to the general malaise.
I did the long walk to the library Friday, which should’ve made me feel good, but somehow I couldn’t get through the afternoon without chocolate, and then made chex mix and ate way too much of it before dinner. I probably should’ve had a drink.
Seen on my walk Friday:

Don’t know what this stuff is – looks like Wisconsin kudzu to me, all along the edge of the former railroad tracks now a bike path.
That nice looking snow we had at the end of last week is gone, gone, gone.
So this morning I got up and spent about an hour – while it got darker and darker outside – answering work emails.
And in the midst of that, I got the papers in before it rained – so that was the day’s first triumph.
I went out by car to the pick up Farmers Market, and I finally remembered to take the empty egg boxes, Yay! and it was raining a bit, but stopped by the time I got home. And I had enough time to walk to campus for a volunteer training for the Film Fest, back in person for the first time in two years. It was sunny for my walk there, cloudy for my walk home, but not raining.
As soon as I got home, it got dark again and started raining, but I don’t have to go anywhere else and was actually hoping for a rainy afternoon so I’d get some grading done.
I did a bit but probably not as much as I should’ve.
Here’s a pretty picture I got in one of my apps.
Turns out it’s by a naturalist who lived from 1647–1717, and it’s not only a picture of a rose, it’s a Rose with a metamorphosis of a leaf roller and a glued beetle larva. She was one of the earliest naturalists to observe insects so directly.
Now (Saturday night) it sounds like it’s pouring so who knows what’s happening in the basement. I’ll check later.
Cooking adventures were quite satisfactory this afternoon. I made this potato cabbage pie for dinner and it was really quite tasty. I roasted the back & neck & wing tips of the 2020 Thanksgiving turkey that’ve been in the freezer since then, and it’s now simmering to become turkey stock. And there’s a new batch of sourdough rising in the fridge to bake tomorrow. It’s too dark to get pictures of the other stuff, but I expect you’ll get to see the bread tomorrow.
Today’s post-volunteer-training, breakfast & lunch together is the overleaf – trying to eat lightly after Friday’s excesses.
A better day. Fingers crossed the basement stays dry.