The governor made us do it.
We were perfectly happy as what the state of Wisconsin calls Domestic Partners, DPs. In that status, we could share our state benefits, but not share other assets we have from our families that we want to go to our kids.
When gay marriage became legal in Wisconsin, the governor’s sour grapes was to say, “well, y’alls can all get married now, so you don’t need that domestic partner thing.”
So we got rings. We got a pre-nup and a will for Mark, and durable powers of attorney. We got a license. We got a friend to be our officiant, and neighbors from up the street to be our witnesses. We got some vows off the Internet. And it was a nice little ceremony.
Rach called the next day, “Sadie, Sadie, married lady, how does it feel?”
A little different, I have to say. Good mostly, although the old hippie or rebel in me kind of liked being NOT married. What’s between us is between us, and the state can keep out of it, thank you very much.